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We're here to help.

Whether you've hit a bump in the road or have been struggling for years with your mental health or need a space to vent, counseling can help.

Cognitive Reset Counseling

Therapy requires you to look deep within and face the parts of yourself that you may not want to see or admit are there. You will be challenged to identify and integrate parts unseen to make yourself whole. This also entails opening your mind to the possibility that you can change; that you can change for the better.

Therapy is a commitment. The majority of changes will happen based on your efforts to make those changes. This means committing to weekly sessions and engaging in the new behaviors that are discussed in between sessions.


Therapy can only be as good as your investment in it. This is why we ask that you be ready to start making the investment in yourself when we begin working together.

Contact the office for a free 10 minute consultation or book your first appointment today!

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